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The Only Constant is Change

If the COVID-19 pandemic taught us anything over the past few years it’s that change is always happening. We can’t always predict what’s going to happen tomorrow, next month, or even next year. The same is true for planning our career path. While we can […]

Finding Your Strengths in the Unexpected

We have all experienced incredible amounts of change throughout the past year, particularly in our workplaces. As you experience unexpected changes in your life and work, it’s helpful to have strategies to help you manage your current realities. In a recent webinar on our

How to Stop Overthinking Everything

Be honest: do you overthink everything? For most Wake Foresters, being a perfectionist is a common struggle! We want to get things right, make the best decisions to position us well for the future, and avoid failure at all costs. The problem with overthinking is […]

How to Get Therapy When You Can’t Leave the House

October 10, 2020 is World Mental Health Day, a day for awareness, education, and advocacy against the social stigma of seeking help for mental health concerns. We are living through a year of trauma and high stress on many fronts. If you find yourself in […]

How to Stay Optimistic When Everything Seems Wrong

Between a global pandemic, an upcoming political election, and social injustice and unrest, it’s no surprise that many of us feel less than optimistic about the world right now. Just turn on the TV for a few minutes and your blood pressure will start rising! […]

Quarantine is Not a Competition: Self-Compassion and the Myth of “Winning”

In the following webinar from our LEARN with @LifeAfterWake platform, Wake Forest alumnus Ryan Riccordella (’15) focuses in on the realities of living through a global pandemic, the importance of avoiding comparisons (particularly during high stress times!), and strategies for personal compassion and accountability.

5 Ways to Fight Loneliness While Working From Home

Unless you have a job role requiring you to be in-person at your place of employment, you’re likely one of the millions of people working from home. Whether you’re used to working remotely or you suddenly found yourself turning your dining room table into an […]

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