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Feedback is a Hack

We all know we need feedback. And, whether we want it or not, we’re surrounded by feedback all the time. But are you taking advantage of the feedback you’re being given, to make sound decisions? Do you know how and why feedback helps to build […]

Build Your Network with Recruiters and Employers

Ever wondered how to best stand out to recruiters and employers on LinkedIn? In this webinar, Wake Forest alumna and executive recruiter Katie Hooper (’14) shares insider tips and strategies for showing an interest in job opportunities on LinkedIn, how to message and respond to […]

4 Ways to Build Hybrid Connections

The pandemic has challenge us in many ways, and one of the biggest might be our ability to form new and lasting connections. No matter how great we might be at meeting new people, doing so over a computer screen is hard work. But that […]

The Art of Listening

For building relationships, creating more authentic connections, asking for help, and even becoming a better manager and leader, there are few skills more value than effective listening. What a shame it is, then, that so many of us have such poorly developed listening skills!

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Let us help you navigate your personal and professional life after Wake Forest. Hear from various experts including fellow Wake Forest alumni, faculty, staff, and many others!
