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Hope Is Not a Plan

In this article on Psychology Today, Allison McWilliams (’95), WFU Assistant Vice President for Mentoring and Alumni Personal and Career Development, discusses the challenges of turning dreams and ideas into reality. You probably know that goal-setting is important. And, you probably don’t enjoy making those plans. […]

Alumni Advice Video: Defining Your Balance

Regardless of what season of life you find yourself in or what personal or career goals you’re hoping to accomplish, it’s important to define a healthy balance that makes sense for you. In this alumni advice video, Tiffany Waddell Tate (’07, MA ’11) shares her […]

How to Invest for Your Short-Term Goals

Let’s face it, money management is a big part of adulthood. Whether you’re paying off student loans, saving for retirement, or trying to save money towards a big purchase like a home, it can be tricky to know the best strategies for investing your money. […]

Navigating Friendship and Business Partnership

Have you ever thought about going into business with a close friend? If so, how do you maintain that friendship while also making crucial and sometimes difficult business decisions? Hear below from Wake Forest alumna Stephanie Lane (’08) on how she manages both a friendship […]

Taking a Risk Doesn’t Have to be Risky

By Caroline Hayward (’15, MS ’16), Brand Planner at BBDO Worldwide in Dallas, TX “Take a risk.” This is a short and simple phrase that I have often heard in my career as an advertising professional – an industry where risk-taking is inherent, from pushing […]

Disclosure Discourse: To Reveal or Conceal a Disability in the Workplace

By Kawana Neufville, M.S, CRC, LPCA, Assistant Director, Learning Assistance Center & Disability Services, Wake Forest University Many students preparing to transition from college to the world of work are nervous about job opportunities and what lies ahead for them. Some are worried about job location, […]

TED Talk: How to Make Hard Choices

In this TED Talk by philosopher and author Ruth Chang, learn about a new framework for how to make hard choices around career, relationships, living situations, and many of the other difficult circumstances we face in life.

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