Connect with Vicky

Hello, I am Vicky Mitchener the owner of Dickens Mitchener Residential Real Estate firm in Charlotte NC. After graduating from WFU I worked for Xerox Corporation for six years in sales and also a training capacity. The desire to settle into a community and stop traveling lead me to Real Estate in Charlotte NC. After working for another real estate company for a few years I decided to start Dickens Mitchener and Associates. Over the years it has taught me so many things from marketing, technology, relationships, sales and people management. Real estate has so many opportunities from sales to investing that are excellent wealth builders.
In 2020, I founded a charity called the Homeowners Impact Fund. The concept is for the key participants of a Real Estate transaction to donate a minimum of $10.00 per closing. This has the ability to raise millions of dollars in our communities to then distribute to 501C approved organizations to help our neighbors that are less fortunate. We spend so many hours each week working I think it is important to find a career or volunteer in an area that you are passionate about and love. In 2021, Dickens Mitchener is celebrating 30 years and I cannot wait to see where we take the company over the next 30 years. With so many interrupters in the world, it is important to embrace change.

Here’s the intake form for Vicky. Once you submit your responses, the confirmation message will include Vicky’s contact information. Please send her an email to request a conversation!