Connect with Mo

Hi there! My name is Mo and I graduated from Wake in 2013 with a degree in Sociology and a minor in Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise. Right after graduation, I moved to Washington, D.C. to first work for Deloitte Consulting in their public sector practice and then joined the federal government’s “nudge unit” that applied behavioral economics and social science insights to improve government programs. Both of these experiences inspired my desire to go to graduate school to learn how to innovate across the public and private sectors to solve big societal challenges. I earned my Master of Public Administration from the Harvard Kennedy School and Master of Business Administration from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth.
Since finishing my graduate programs, I’ve developed economic innovation policy for candidates, trained election officials to manage election risks, worked as a rural Field Organizer on a senate campaign in Appalachia, worked to make COVID-19 vaccine distribution more equitable, and stood up a $10B federal grant program for broadband expansion. I am currently at the Office of Management and Budget in the Executive Office of the President working to improve government programs and service delivery so that every individual interacting with the federal government can have a simple, seamless, and secure experience.
I’ve learned to let my passion for social impact and public service lead the way in my career journey, and I’m looking forward to talking with alums who are also navigating the uncertainty of carving out their own unique path. My areas of expertise include public sector innovation, community organizing, economic development, impact investing, systems thinking, negotiations, consulting, public-private partnerships, human-centered design, and learning to be your own best advocate. I’m also happy to connect with alums considering graduate school, those who are interested in public service, public sector consulting, rural policy, campaigns, and early-stage social enterprises.

Here’s the intake form for Mo. Once you submit your responses, the confirmation message will include Mo’s contact information. Please send her an email to request a conversation!