Make Networking Work for You

How does the word “networking” make you feel when you hear it? Perhaps it’s overwhelming, intimidating, or uncomfortable. Or maybe it’s energizing and exciting. Regardless of how you approach networking-building, you can glean some practical tips from this LEARN with @LifeAfterWake webinar facilitated by […]

Setting Goals the Right Way

In this latest webinar, Allison McWilliams (’95) discusses why goal-setting is such an important part of making intentional plans for where you want to go in your life and career. And, she gives you practical examples and tips for writing goals and how to […]

Stress at Work: Strategies for Prioritizing Your Mental Health

By Mark Covington (’13), LPC, Psychotherapist and PhD Candidate, Washington, DC Disconnection, dysfunction, dysregulation, and distress are what therapists and those in academia call “The Four D’s” of why most people enter into psychotherapy. These are also reasons why I believe that my clients enter […]

Upskill or Fade Away

Upskilling – the process of identifying gaps and seeking out growth opportunities to address them – is largely considered an individual responsibility. But what obligation do organizations have to provide training and development for their people? What are the people and productivity costs for not performing […]

Reimagine Your Career for an Uncertain Future

We’re all dealing with a lot of uncertainty right now. What will work look like in the next six months or a year? What will our lives look like? Will we return to some state of “normal” as we remember it, or will we need […]

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