Three Professional Relationships Every Woman Needs to Advance Her Career

By Chelsea Keen, M.Ed. (’12), Career Coach and Founder of Uplifted Ambitions Career Coaching Chelsea Keen is a results-oriented career coach who empowers ambitious early and mid-level professional women to land their ideal job, advance in their career, and find fulfillment in their 9 to […]

Navigating a Career Pivot

In this recorded webinar from our LEARN with @LifeAfterWake platform, Wake Forest alumna Kristin Winkle Beck (’97) shares her expertise and personal experience with making a career change from financial services industry to the nonprofit leadership industry and launching her own professional career coaching […]

Hope Is Not a Plan

In this article on Psychology Today, Allison McWilliams (’95), WFU Assistant Vice President for Mentoring and Alumni Personal and Career Development, discusses the challenges of turning dreams and ideas into reality. You probably know that goal-setting is important. And, you probably don’t enjoy making those plans. […]

Upskill or Fade Away

Upskilling – the process of identifying gaps and seeking out growth opportunities to address them – is largely considered an individual responsibility. But what obligation do organizations have to provide training and development for their people? What are the people and productivity costs for not performing […]

Reimagine Your Career for an Uncertain Future

We’re all dealing with a lot of uncertainty right now. What will work look like in the next six months or a year? What will our lives look like? Will we return to some state of “normal” as we remember it, or will we need […]

Current State of the Job Market

In the following video, Wake Forest University’s Executive Director of Employer Relations, Stuart Mease, gives a breakdown of the current state of the job market for current students, recent graduates, and employers, as of April 2020.

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