The Value of Short-term Mentorship

By Allison McWilliams (’95), Ph.D., Assistant VP, Mentoring and Alumni Personal & Career Development, Wake Forest University At this point you likely have heard that you need to find mentors, sponsors, and other support systems to build a successful career. In this age of

8 Must Ask Questions For Your Next Job Interview

Interviews are stressful! Acing this part of the job application process requires research, rehearsing, preparation, and critical thinking. Although every interview situation is unique, there are best practices that can lead to success, which might look like simply being comfortable during the actual conversations or […]

Feedback is a Hack

We all know we need feedback. And, whether we want it or not, we’re surrounded by feedback all the time. But are you taking advantage of the feedback you’re being given, to make sound decisions? Do you know how and why feedback helps to build […]

Signs It’s Time to Change Jobs

We all have a moment when we start to wonder, Is it time to make a change? The pandemic has heightened that awareness for many people, bringing to the forefront recognition of health needs, financial instability, or that one’s work and life are in misalignment. […]

The Strategic Job Search: Setting Your Career Target

Planning to look for a new job? The first step in any strategic job search process is identifying your career/job target. In this webinar, learn several steps and exercises for narrowing down what you’re looking for in your job search.

Preparing for Re-Entry

As we hopefully start to see some light at the end of this tunnel, many workplaces are contemplating what it means to go back to work after the pandemic. Does everyone come back to the office? Does everyone continue to work from home? Will there […]

4 Steps to Negotiate Your First Salary

By Chelsea Keen, M.Ed. (’12), Career Coach and Founder of Uplifted Ambitions Career Coaching Chelsea Keen is a results-oriented career coach who empowers ambitious early and mid-level professional women to land their ideal job, advance in their career, and find fulfillment in their 9 to […]

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