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Alumni Reflections on 2020: Thomas Sloan (’15)

Thomas Sloan head shot photo

Thomas Sloan (’15)

Thomas currently lives in Boulder, CO.

What has been most difficult for you throughout this past year?

Maintaining positivity. A byproduct of being educated, following the news, listening to various experts, etc. It’s difficult to not see a convergence of the world’s many problems creating unsurmountable obstacles for our species.

What has been the most positive aspect of this past year for you, personally and/or professionally?

More time to reflect. A silver lining of isolation from your many normal activities, people, etc. is that you can see what you really miss, what superfluous things can be excised from your life, and what truly matters.

How have you grown, changed, and developed throughout 2020?

I think I’ve gained a much better understanding of myself, especially my flaws. It’s not easy to dig up and look at the things we don’t like about ourselves, but I now understand the value of trying to learn from them. Everyone talks about bettering yourself, but before you really know yourself I don’t think that’s possible in the kind of transformational way we’re all seeking.

What lessons from 2020 will you take with you into the year(s) ahead?

Priorities really matter, for individuals and societies alike. None of us see ourselves or the world all that clearly, but the better we get at both, the better off we are. The main problem of society is that we have primitive emotions, monolithic institutions, and god-like technology.

