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Alumni Reflections on 2020: Reece Guida (’17)

Reece Guida head shot

Reece Guida (’17)

Reece is a Cyber Security Marketing/Copywriting Expert in Newport, Rhode Island.

What has been most difficult for you throughout this past year?

Making mistakes on the job while working remotely! Taking ownership of errors and trying to solve them over Slack is difficult. I found that colleagues are less likely to be warm and empathetic over instant message.

What has been the most positive aspect of this past year for you, personally and/or professionally?

Focusing on relationships with my girlfriend, parents, friends, and family. I’ve gotten better at communicating with loved ones and showing frequent, genuine interest in their lives.

How have you grown, changed, and developed throughout 2020?

This year’s made me realize that life is fleeting, and that mental and physical health are some of the only things within our control. Regular exercise and meditation have helped me manage stress, which has given me the mental clarity to make better daily decisions.

What lessons from 2020 will you take with you into the year(s) ahead?

Work isn’t everything, but your health is.
