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Alumni Reflections on 2020: Jessica Wooten-Macklin (MSA ’20)

Jessica works at EY in Assurance/Strategy and Transactions in Atlanta, GA.

Jessica Wooten-Macklin photo

Jessica Wooten-Macklin (MSA ’20)

What has been most difficult for you throughout this past year?

Balancing between staying home and staying safe and taking care of my mental, physical and emotional health by varying my routines, getting out of the house and making new memories with friends and family.

What has been the most positive aspect of this past year for you, personally and/or professionally?

I have discovered a new interest, taken advantage of this virtual workplace and worked from different states and found a new passion for reading.

How have you grown, changed, and developed throughout 2020?

I have realized that my mind is my most valuable asset and investing in the growth of that is best way to ensure my outwardly success.

What lessons from 2020 will you take with you into the year(s) ahead?

Continue to challenge myself and my understanding of the importance of reflection and quiet times.
